2. Functions


Flowchart sketching flow between functions and processes in Mistic. (SM = Stack montage, Y = Yes, N = No)

2.1. get_cell_coords(pt,a)

Get the coordinates of the cell that pt = (x,y) falls in.

def get_cell_coords(pt,a):
        return int(pt[0] // a), int(pt[1] // a)


pt : float 2D coordinates of a point

a : float scaled minimum distance between cells


list coordinates of the cell that pt lies in

2.2. get_neighbours(coords,nx,ny,cells)

Return the indexes of points in cells neighbouring cell at coords. For the cell at coords = (x,y), return the indexes of points in the cells with neighbouring coordinates illustrated below: ie those cells that could contain points closer than r

def get_neighbours(coords,nx,ny,cells):
    # Refer main.py on Github
     return neighbours


coords : float 2D coordinates of a point

nx, ny : int Number of cells in the x- and y-directions of the grid

cells : dictionary

Dictionary of cells or grid squares: each key is a cell’s coordinates, the corresponding value is the index of that cell’s coordinates in the samples list (or None if the cell is empty)


neighbours: list List of neighbouring cells for coords

2.3. point_valid(pt,a,nx,ny,cells,samples,r)

Returns True or False based on if the pt is a valid point to be added to samples. It must be no closer than r from any other point by checking the cells in its immediate neighbourhood.

def point_valid(pt,a,nx,ny,cells,samples,r):
    # Refer main.py on Github
     return True (or False)


pt : float 2D coordinates of a point

a : float scaled minimum distance between cells

nx, ny : int Number of cells in the x- and y-directions of the grid

cells : dictionary

Dictionary of cells or grid squares: each key is a cell’s coordinates, the corresponding value is the index of that cell’s coordinates in the samples list (or None if the cell is empty)

samples : list

List with valid neighbouring coordinates for a given point pt

r : int Minimum distance between samples. Set to 2


boolean Returns True or False if sampled point is eligible to be pt’s neighbour

2.4. get_point(k, refpt,r,a,nx,ny,cells,samples)

Try to find a candidate point relative to refpt to emit in the sample. We draw up to k points from the annulus of inner radius r, outer radius 2r around the reference point, refpt. If none of them are suitable (because they’re too close to existing points in the sample), return False. Otherwise, return the pt.

def get_point(k, refpt,r,a,nx,ny,cells,samples):
     # Refer main.py on Github
     return True (or False)


k : int number of candidate points sampled arounf the reference point, refpt

refpt : float 2D coordinates of the reference point

a : float scaled minimum distance between cells

nx, ny : int Number of cells in the x- and y-directions of the grid

cells : dictionary

Dictionary of cells or grid squares: each key is a cell’s coordinates, the corresponding value is the index of that cell’s coordinates in the samples list (or None if the cell is empty)

samples : list

List with valid neighbouring coordinates for a given point pt

r : int Minimum distance between samples. Set to 2


boolean Returns True or False if candidate point is eligible to be refpt’s neighbour


The above functions: get_cell_coords(), get_neighbours(), point_valid(), get_point() are modified from https://scipython.com/blog/poisson-disc-sampling-in-python/

2.5. button_callback()

Function that is called when user clicks ‘Run’ from the GUI

def button_callback():
     # Refer main.py on Github
     return ([p,p1,p2,p3,p4, source, tabs])


p : figure Static figure canvas with the image tSNE

p1, p2, p3, p4 : figure Live canvas with tSNE scatter plots for each of the image metadata

source : ColumnDataSource, dictionary Dictionary of metadata and associated variables (like colour, thumbnail location) for each image which is maintained and updated based on user preferences for each ‘Run’ episode

tabs : Tabs Tabs of Panels where each panel corresponds to an image metadata

2.6. create_figure(stack_montage_flag)

Function collects the user choices from the GUI and calls either the generate_stack_montage() for reading in a single image or the generate_image_tSNE() for multiplexed images

def create_figure(stack_montage_flag):
     # Refer main.py on Github
     return ([p,tsne_points, file_name_hover,markers_single, cluster_ms_list])


stack_montage_flag : bool If True, the generate_stack_montage() is called, else the generate_image_tsne() is called.


p : figure Static figure canvas with the image tSNE

tsne_points : float 2D coordinates for each image where coordinates can be randomly generated/arranged in rows/user defined. The coordinates are generated based on number of images and size (length and breadth) of the static canvas

file_name_hover : str file name with path to populate the ‘thumbnail’ entry in the Hover tool

markers_single : list list of markers selected by the user

cluster_ms_list : list list of channel names necessary to populate the hover tool in the live panels

2.7. generate_stack_montage(chk_box_marker_sm, rb_imtech_val, LABELS_MARKERS)

Function generates a stack montage by using each marker channel of a multiplexed image.

  • Reads in and pre-processes the image channels

  • Generates evenly-spaced points on the static canvas to arrange the images in rows

  • Generates thumbnails, and pastes these onto the static canvas

  • Stores the thumbnails in the output folder

  • Updates the hover tool with thumbnail paths, marker names and metadata

def generate_stack_montage(chk_box_marker_sm, rb_imtech_val, LABELS_MARKERS):
     # Refer main.py on Github
     return([file_name_rot,tsne, file_name_hover])


chk_box_marker_sm : int If checkbox is checked by user on the GUI, chk_box_marker_sm = 1 indicating that the stack montage option is selected. If checkbox is unchecked, the multiple image tSNE generation process proceeds based on markers chosen by the user using the GUI

LABELS_MARKERS : list List of all marker channels in the multiplexed images. This is provided by the user in user_inputs/metadata folder as Markers.csv. User can still choose a subset of LABELS_MARKERS, through the GUI, for visualizing the image tSNE

rb_imtech_val : int If value = 0, Vectra processing is invoked, if value = 1, t-CyCIF processing is invoked and if value = 2, CODEX processing is invoked


file_name_rot : str file name with path where the final image with thumbnails is located

tsne : float 2D coordinates for each image to be rendered in rows. The coordinates are generated based on number of images and size (length and breadth) of the static canvas

file_name_hover : str file name with path to populate the ‘thumbnail’ entry in the Hover tool

2.8. generate_image_tSNE(chk_box_marker,rb_val,rb_rs_val, rb_shf_val,rb_imtech_val,mc,wc,LABELS_MARKERS)

Function generates the image tSNE using the multiplexed images and based on user inputs

  • Reads in and pre-processes the images

  • Generates random or evenly-spaced points on the static canvas to arrange the images in rows/Reads in the user-provided tSNE

  • Generates thumbnails, and pastes these onto the static canvas

  • Stores the thumbnails in the output folder

  • Updates the hover tool with thumbnail paths, marker names and metadata

  • shuffle or no shuffle option is handled in this function where images are randomly shuffled

def generate_image_tSNE(chk_box_marker,rb_val,rb_rs_val,rb_shf_val,rb_imtech_val,mc,wc LABELS_MARKERS):
     # Refer main.py() on Github
     return([file_name_rot,tsne, file_name_hover])


chk_box_marker : int If checkbox is checked by user on the GUI, chk_box_marker = 1 and the user-selected markers are collected by this variable

rb_val : str Choice of having a border for each image based on image metadata. If ‘No’ is chosen, no border is set for images

rb_rs_val : str Choice to create a tSNE based on user-defined points, random coordinates or stack the images in rows

rb_shf_val : str Choice to shuffle images (‘Yes’) or not (‘No’) while rendering the images on the static canvas

rb_imtech_val : int If value = 0, Vectra processing is invoked, if value = 1, t-CyCIF processing is invoked and if value = 2, CODEX processing is invoked

mc : list List of all markers available as shown on GUI

wc : list List of weights for all markers shown on GUI

LABELS_MARKERS : list List of all marker channels in the multiplexed images. This is provided by the user in user_inputs/metadata folder as Markers.csv. User can still choose a subset of LABELS_MARKERS, through the GUI, for visualizing the image tSNE


file_name_rot : str file name with path where the final image with thumbnails is located

tsne : float 2D coordinates for each image where coordinates can be random/arrnaged in rows/user defined. The coordinates are generated based on number of images and size (length and breadth) of the static canvas

file_name_hover : str file name with path to populate the ‘thumbnail’ entry in the Hover tool

2.9. draw_tSNE_scatter(tsne1,file_name_hover,cluster_ms_list)

Function that generates the image tSNE scatter plots for the Live canvases


tsne1 : float 2D coordinates for each image where coordinates can be randomly generated/arranged in rows/user defined. The coordinates are generated based on number of images and size (length and breadth) of the static canvas

file_name_hover : str file name with path to populate the ‘thumbnail’ entry in the Hover tool

cluster_ms_list : list list of channel names necessary to populate the hover tool in the live panels


p1, p2, p3, p4 : figure Live canvas with tSNE scatter plots for each of the image metadata

source : ColumnDataSource, dictionary Dictionary of metadata and associated variables (like colour, thumbnail location) for each image which is maintained and updated based on user preferences for each ‘Run’ episode